I must also start with two confession and one caveat:
Confession: Over the past three years, I have come to love decorating my house. I love design blogs, DIY blogs, mommy-craft blogs--all of it. While I try to limit the amount of time that I spend reading such blogs, it has been fun over the past few years to get lots of new ideas, learn new things I can put into practice, and start transforming my house. I have been thinking about how I wanted to decorate this house for the past 5 months--ever since we made the offer on it. I have had to learn in the past month, though, that putting it all together the way I want it is going to take more time than I thought. So, some rooms are more finished, and some rooms are more works-in-progress.
Caveat: My house never actually looks like this. I have staged these pictures while my big kids were watching TV in an attempt to get some of the cool design-blog-type pictures you see out there. But seriously? Never looks like this. Ever. Maybe for 2 seconds after I've cleaned it. But then I leave the room and it's back to chaos. (You can partially see this in the last picture here--the train that is supposed to be neatly in line on top of the bookcases is jauntily awry. Now the question is--who did it? I honestly don't think Carver could reach up there to mess with it, but I'm also pretty sure David doesn't go around the house messing things up just to see how long it takes me to notice...) But, it's also true that I'm a bit of a neat-nik. We do have set clutter-control times around here (before lunch, before dinner, and before bed) because when it gets too crazy I get crazy, but it still never really looks like this. Only when I've been the one doing all the cleaning, and that's very rarely the case.
So, on to the blue room!
As you can see, the room is very, um, blue. We did no painting in this house. While there are a few rooms that I would prefer to be a different color (including this one), the paint color in those rooms is not bad enough to justify the work needed to paint them. This is our homeschool/playroom. Rosie is my child-model. If this were a BHG shoot, she'd be my only child :)
I did the silhouettes of the kids several years ago. I need to buy another silver frame and actually do one of Rose and Hope. And, I haven't quite figured out how to hang pictures on plaster walls. This attempt involved some spackle and paint. They're almost straight.
The wall behind the couches will be our bulletin board wall. I have three boards, which I still need to figure out how to get on the wall (see above problem).
These are cheap-o Wal Mart bulletin boards. I painted the frames white, used spray adhesive to glue some cool fabric on, and then lined the edges with ribbon to hide my not-so-straight fabric edges. They really are cool looking, and they'll help break up that wall.
Next is the toy corner. The pictures above the kid's kitchen are pages from a used copy of "One Morning In Maine." I cut up the book, saved the best pictures, glued them to cheap mat board with spray adhesive, and put them on the wall. Very fun.
And last but not least is our wall-o-books. These are Ikea expedit shelves, which David and his dad and BIL spent a week putting together (along with the Billy shelves in our room). They also help break up the blue walls, and each shelf is deep enough and tall enough that I can put puzzles and games and other random stuff on the shelves. Homeschooling stuff is closer to the top, and along the bottom row are baskets hiding coloring stuff, crafting materials, musical instruments, and our bird-watching items. The step-stool is also Ikea (I've never been this close to an Ikea--they really are wonderful) that I painted a fun color. As you can see, Rose has figured out that the big kids are not the only ones who can climb it to get to what they want.
The one area I did not show you is the little closet in the corner, which houses bins of toys. I like to rotate toys--only have two or three things out at a time that the kids can play with, and every month or so, switch them up for something else. The keeps the toys fresh, and makes rainy mornings super fun when we go switch them out.