Monday, November 9, 2009

Shameless, shameless plug...

I've been making baby carriers for about two years now, mostly for myself and women in the church. Now that I have an infant again, I've had many people stop me in the store and ask where I got my baby carrier. After writing my info down on a piece of scrap paper from my purse yesterday in JoAnn's, I've decided to try to become a little more official. I'll be printing up business cards and carrying those with me to pass out to women who ask. Wish me luck!

So, with no further ado, here's the site:

I almost forgot! The friends, family, and CGS (not that they wouldn't fit into the first category :) discount is $10!!


the McGee family said...

How awesome! Way to go. I love the mei tai. I don't have one, nor have i used one, but I think they are cute. My sister-in-law made herself one and I have contemplated. But I have an ERGO. And that's great.
Convince me why I should get one for #2 :)

the McGee family said...

or for a friend who just had her first in indonesia. It might make a good Christmas present for them...
hmmmm... let me think about it :)

Debbie T said...

Nice, Anna!