Thursday, September 1, 2011

Home Tour: The Dining Room

The dining room is still one of my works-in-progress. Things I love? The table. The rug. The huge windows. The chandelier. The picture rail.

Things that need some work? The pictures in the frames on the picture rail. Storage. And something to absorb sound.

You can see the trunk at one end of the dining room. It's housing pantry items that I can't fit into the pantry--mostly baking goods: sugar, flour, etc. I think I'll probably center it along that wall, in between the windows. Along the wall with the big window in the middle, I would like to put two of these on either side of the window. I think they would break up the wall, add a splash of color to a room that's very blue-and-gold, and provide some much-needed storage space for china, canned goods, and other misc. items. They would also give me a horizontal surface to put some decorative accents on. But, I've got to convince my husband first :) He's not sold on the red yet. And for sound-absorbtion, I'm going to add curtains at some point. I'm not sure when that'll happen: it's not really high on the priority list, both for decorating funds and my time. But I did find some fabric that I would love to use for curtains, if I get to them any time soon. This would make wonderfully graphic curtains and be a strong counterpart to the yellow walls.


Emily M. said...

Love the table--is it new? It looks bigger than the one you guys had last time we visited. And also the bench seems like a good idea with a growing family. I agree on the curtain fabric, too--it looks like it would fit in well with your color/decorating scheme. Do you usually sew your own curtains? I remember looking into it in Chicago, and as we didn't have a JoAnns within 20 miles, would have had to shop at a more expensive store in the city, so it ended up being cheaper to just buy from BBB with coupons. And I do like the curtains I ended up buying. But I definitely would love to pick out a fabric I love and a style I love and sew my own someday. Also love the rail for pictures all along there--was it original? We have so many here and seemingly no place to put them all. Your home seems so welcoming!

Mandy said...

Yes! Love the table!! (really, I love the whole house and seeing your pics makes me wish we lived closer, I would love another homeschool mother of 5 to talk life dragons with :). But back to the table-where did you get it and do you love the bench? How long is the bench and how many tiny bottoms does it fit? I've been wanting to get a bench but now I am wondering about a new table all together. The slats for the leaves are at the ends so kids sitting at the ends like to shove their forks into the slat! Arg!!! Sorry, current source of frustration :p. Anyway, you house is beautiful! :)

Mrs. Miller said...


Anna said...

The table and bench were a birthday/Christmas present last year, but they never fit in our old house right, so they spent most of the last year in the garage holding book boxes. I was so excited to get to set them up here. I got them from an old dude in Bedford, Indiana who makes them from wood he scavenges from barns that are being torn down. Since I bought mine, he's realized what a great product he's got and has doubled the price :) The table is 7 feet and the bench is 6. We got 5 kids on there the other night with friends over, but the kids tend the squirm a little more than they would if they were in boosters.
Emily--I do sew my own curtains, but it's because I usually want something very specific. And it's not cheaper than buying them from Wal Mart or BBB (or Ikea--they have some good curtains!). The picture rail is original, and it's so, so cool :)
Mandy, I'm embarassed to ask, but where do you guys live?

Carole said...


Ooh, your house looks WONDERFUL! We have to find a way to get up there for a visit. It's just not the same with you all gone now. Your decorating schemes are so fun and welcoming. And I agree - the table and bench are great. My Dave's cousins had a huge family and they had a very long table lined with benches. It just gave it a warm, country feeling that instantly put everyone at ease. Way to go. Hugs all around to everyone, and happy belated 30th! (Thirty was no biggie for me, either, but boy, 31 was incredible hard to do.) Love you all!