Sunday, October 12, 2008

Adventures With Rock, Part 2

Yesterday we spent finished up our rock project. David and 4 other guys spent the afternoon digging 8 inch wide borders around our largest planer and filling them with gravel. It looks amazing! We're also hoping that it will keep out some of the weeds, but I won't be able to report on that until next spring...

Carver enjoyed watching the guys work, and he was happy to work alongside them for most of the afternoon. Here he is, all sweaty, getting a drink:

Carver and the guys working:

Dinner afterward was hamburgers, homemade applesauce (don't worry, that's another post soon!), and chips.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a beautiful (if somewhat warm) day for working outside! Wish we could have been there; carrying rocks is one of my favorite pastimes. :)

Emily M. said...

Wow--can't wait to see how it all looks!