She got books, puzzles, a tiny set of furniture for a very tiny doll, clothes, a doll carrier/backpack, and this awesome orange seat thing-a-ma-jig that looks like it could be an excellent prop on "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" Thank you, both sets of Grandparents, for making it a fun-filled present time!
While I had wrapped up some new pants for Carver (I know, what a gyp!), I had forgotten to wrap up anything for Laura, who was very confused and slightly angry at the whole process. Fortunately, Ellie was too busy thinking about dolls to worry about her new books, and Laura was easily pacified!
As usual, if you get a kid a cool present, they spend the next half-hour playing with the bubble wrap:
And if you have a really cool present, it will come in a box with huge air-filled packing bags that make a big bang when jumped on!
All of this was before dinner. For dinner, Ellie had picked her favorite restaurant, Chipotle. So we took 3 very wound up and hungry kids into a restaurant :) After dinner, we came home and had cake, the perfect wind-down before bed:
Ellie was really cute as she sang "Happy Birthday" to herself:
All in all, we had a great day! Happy bithday, Ellie!