Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Officially ABD!

I'm sure that means something in latin, but the joke is that it means "all but dissertation." David defended his prospectus before his dissertation committee yesterday, and they gave comments, suggestions, and told him he's free to write the rest of it! This is the last official hurdle he has to cross before finishing. Here we are at Chipotle afterward, celebrating.

Yesterday was also the first day of two weeks of swim lessons for Carver. He's doing great. I think just spending vacation in Hawaii and California makes him very comfortable in the water. He's not afraid to try anything they ask him to do, so he's doing great!

Here are the girls, watching the action in the pool:

Yesterday also marked 34 weeks of pregnancy for me--the end is near! The baby is doing great, growing exactly as she should, and I'm feeling great, apart from being big and bulky. We're praying that these final weeks and the delivery go well! Sorry, no picture--I'm not brave enough to take pregnancy pictures :)


Unknown said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congradulations to David and all of you! Praise the Lord!

Kim said...

Congrats to David!

And to see you pregnant...and lovely and glowing... the viewers/readers simply need to look back a few posts to see you happy and healthy with your hubby in Hawaii. (How's that for alliteration? Is that the right word? Drats... now I don't feel so smart anymore!)

Blessings, Kim
p.s. despite no lessons MMH was playing her heart out this afternoon. She is learning "Moonlight Sonata" (is the correct?) on her own...

Debbie T said...

YEA!!! We celebrate and praise God with you!!!

Mrs. Miller said...

Congratulations to David! What's his topic?

Can't believe the next little Talcott is almost here. Hope these final weeks are full of rest for you.

Emily M. said...

Congratulations, David!

I love all the kid pics, too--and I was waaaay too self-conscious to take pregnant mom photos, as evidenced by my blog. I'm sure you are looking great as you usually do, however.=)

Emily M. said...

ps--does Laura have a Buzz Lightyear in her hand? Classic!