Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2 weeks old!

Rose is 2 weeks old today. It's going very quickly, and I'm sure it will only go faster as the months go on. My midwife told me that I should spend 2 weeks taking it very, very easy, so I'm happy to be celebrating the end of that (not that I've been observing it very consistently).

Rose's stats from the pediatrician today:
8 lbs, 9 oz--she's gained 17 oz from the last checkup at 2 days. The Dr. said he would've been happy with 1/3 of that weight gain!
20 1/2 inches--this is hilarious to me. The hospital recorded her at 21 inches at birth, so somehow she's shrinking. Or maybe there's no consistent way to measure how long a baby really is :)


the McGee family said...

She looks like a Talcott! Way to go feeding her! What a gorgeous baby! How are you feeling?

Emily M. said...

Oh, what a lovely little girl! And I love, love, love the last picture of her big sisters watching her. So sweet!