Monday, June 28, 2010

Oh, Sweet Rose...

Here is a tiny taste of Rose's handiwork this afternoon.

Yes, that is gray paint on the carpet in the shape of her sweet little hand. I've been redoing our master bathroom, and had left some paint in a cup uncovered (stupid!). I have been really diligent to shut the door, but apparently not this morning. While I was cleaning up the kitchen after lunch, the kids were playing. I knew that Rose had climbed up the stairs and that Carver had followed her up. 5 minutes later, I heard, "Mom, Rose has blue paint all over her!" I went upstairs to find gray/blue paint all over Rose, the bathroom, and the carpet in our room. I threw her in the tub and had a complete meltdown. All I had to do was shut the door earlier! Or take the paint to the garage! What was I thinking? After calming down a little bit, I was able to call a sweet friend up the road, and she came down, helped me clean up Rose, and then started in on the rest of the mess while I put all the kids down for naps. Then she and I worked together on the mess for 2 more hours. Thanks to her paint-getting-out skills the bathroom is completely clean. The carpet still has a little tint of gray, but I'm hoping after it dries you won't notice. I'm sure that in about 10 years I'll look back at this and laugh. In the meantime, I'll never leave paint out in the open again!