Friday, June 18, 2010

Week with Joy

Joy is here for the week! We've been having tons of fun so far: swim lessons, jogging, painting Carver's bed, and Sam's Club on Wednesday; swim lessons, blueberry picking, picnic, and Mother's Bear's yesterday; and early birthday presents, blueberry pie and pool today! Tomorrow Joy's on her own while David, Rose, and I are off to a wedding, but she looks like she's going to make it just fine :)

I only got pictures of the picnic after blueberry picking yesterday. Sadly, I don't even have a picture of our insane blueberry amount: 20 pounds of blueberries!! We froze some, have been eating a lot, and will be making a few desserts this weekend.

We'll see how much more we can cram into the next few days!

1 comment:

Emily M. said...

Great pictures, and sounds like a lot of fun!