Sunday, February 8, 2009


We have had a bit of a crazy weekend around here. Our church sponsored a parenting conference that ran Friday night and Saturday morning. They brought in Tedd Tripp, well-known for his great book, Shepherding a Child's Heart. While we have heard this talk before and read the book, David and I appreciated the reminder and encouragement in our parenting. The conference attracted a few out-of-towners, and we were lucky to have a younger couple and their two small children stay with us. They were fascinating people, which led to two very late nights for us. We enjoy opening up our home to people, but this particular case definitely takes the cake for most intriguing past jobs: this guy used to be a professional card counter. Yeah. Like in Vegas. Crazy! He got out of it because it was a little stressful. Uh...yeah.

After the conference got over Saturday morning, the girls and I took naps (some slept more than others--but I won't say who :) while David took Carver up to his gun club in Martinsville to do some shooting. The weather was warm, so it was a little slushy from melting snow, but they both enjoyed themselves immensely. The picture above is from another guy who was out there, taken on his cell phone.

When David and Carver got back, we got to go on a date! Evan and Zoe had graciously volunteered to watch our kids, so we got to get out to a movie (DO NOT go see Paul Blart: Mall Cop) and dinner afterwards. Zoe took a few pictures and a video, and put them up on her blog. Go check it out!


Emily M. said...

Wow--sounds busy! I love that David is taking Carver shooting...seems so red-blooded American of them! My dad and brothers can't wait to do that with Tommy (but I'm going to make them wait a few more years)... =)

"Mom" said...

Are those child-sized earmuffs Carver is wearing?? I need some!