Thursday, February 19, 2009

No Princesses Here...

The rule with toy guns in our house has been that Carver may not shoot at unarmed innocents (Ellie, Laura, ME), but he may shoot at armed villians (Dad). About a year ago, Ellie no longer wanted to stand by and watch the Carver-Dad shoot-outs, so she figured out how to make a gun "shooting" sound, and started participating. The other day, I caught Carver in the kitchen shooting Laura. I reprimanded him, and told him he may not shoot his sister. He looked at me and said, "But mom, she was shooting me!" Yeah. Right.

Today at lunch, I watched as Laura "shot" Carver with a Dorito (don't worry, Mom, it was a special treat). I am not kidding. She had figured out how to make the same gutteral shooting sounds that the big kids make. Amazing. Carver burst out laughing and immediately started shooting back. Lunch dissolved into a shoot-out, and I went to clean the kitchen.


Christina said...

LOL! This is hilarious! :) This is what happens when child #1 is a boy I guess. :)

Emily M. said...

That is a hoot!