Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Adventures with Rock, Part 1

We have decided to make rock borders around the plant beds at the bottom part of our yard. I had this brilliant idea when an e-mail went around our church list offering 1-2 tons of free gravel. This project will not only look nice, but it will hopefully make our weed problem a little more manageable. My kind and loving husband graciously agreed to this project. So, we borrowed a friend's truck, and started hauling rock. It took two full truck fulls to get it all into the back yard, and after 6 hours of shoveling said rock, I realized that this project was a little bigger than I had anticipated. My kind husband knew this the whole time, but never said "I told you so..."

Now that we know how much labor this is going to take, we are going to have a work party here next Saturday to dig trenches for the rock and distribute it around to the proper parts of the yard. You're all invited, and there will be hamburgers and a bonfire as a reward!

1 comment:

Emily M. said...

Wow--sounds like quite the project! =)