Thursday, October 2, 2008

Carver's new room!

Carver has graduated to his own room! All three kids were in one room, but David has now been kicked out of his office, and Carver gets his own space. It's a little sparce at the moment, but more decorating will happen in the future (maybe a long time in the future, at the rate I'm going...). His games and puzzles and books are in there, as well as any toys he doesn't want his younger sisters destroying. He and Ellie were able to go in there today and shut the door to bar Laura's entry. They did puzzles together, without fighting, for an hour and a half! This is an awesome new development for me, and the kids really enjoyed it.

In other news, Laura is 14 months today! It seems like the time is flying by...

Still no words, other than 'mama' and 'dada' and something that resembles 'more please.' But she's walking around a lot, and her newest trick is climbing. I have caught her repeatedly on top of the kitchen table, having climbed out of her high chair and onto the table. She seems to have some appreciation for the height, because she's always smack dab in the middle of the table, crying for me to come get her.

1 comment:

Emily M. said...

So many developments! Yay for Carver's new room! I'll bet he LOVES it.

And how sweet of him to let Ellie come in and play!

And I love the image of Laura in the middle of the table, crying. Tommy used to do the same thing, so I can totally picture it!