Friday, October 2, 2009

Garage Sale Entryway

I think our small group has started to expect something to be different every time they come. It's actually a little embarassing, but I just can't help rearranging things until I find a solution that I love! Here's our new, improved entry-spot. It used to have a boring hall tree, but this is so much more interesting!

The dresser was a Craig's List find. I actually bought it for Rose, but it didn't fit well in our room and I wasn't using it for her clothes, anyway. I was always just throwing them on top and not in the drawers. So now her clothes just sit in a laundry basket, and that works for me. The picture is one that my Mom took of my hometown, and I absolutely love it. The mirror and lamp are garage sale finds last weekend-$13 for both! The lamp needs a new shade--this one is the wrong color for me, a little too small, and totally filled with dust. I was thinking this one at Target. Brown is my new favorite color, anyway. The curtains are my wonderful, accidental discovery. We've been needing new hardware for a while--something about small children pulling on it for 6 years. I decided to use burlap, which is a trendy option at the moment, but the only color Jo-Ann's had was an off-white. I brought it home and hung it from the new rod, and it was awful. Not only did the color blend into the wall, but the burlap left bits of stuff everywhere. I knew that was not going to be a long-term option for David. I had bought some brown corduroy to make baby carriers with, and threw that over the curtain rod instead. Isn't it wonderful? You'll notice that the curtains are short, and it's because I installed the rod way too high--it looks ridiculous. My handy husband will be fixing it for me over the weekend. Jo-Ann's will be putting their corduroy on sale next week, so I'll go back and buy enough to finish out the other windows in the living room. I love how grown-up the brown makes the room look. I've decided that brown is the new neutral :)


Debbie T said...

It looks great! I hope that mirror is anchored to the wall so it doesn't come crashing down on a head!

Emily M. said...

Looks amazing--and I agree, brown is great, too. I really like the target shade...too bad I don't need any new lampshades anywhere...