Friday, October 9, 2009

Laura and Colored Glue

I got a new homeschooling book this week called Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready. It has an activity for every week of your child's life, up until their 5th birthday. The idea is that these activities will be right at their developmental level, and get them ready for kindergarten (we'll do the activities, and skip the kindergarten part :) Here's Laura's activity for the week: colored flour and water in a ziplock that she can play with. I'm supposed to show her how to make different kinds of lines and just enjoy the texture. For tomorrow, we put it in the fridge, and she can feel how cold it is. As you can see, she had to fight Ellie off!


Debbie T said...

sounds like a great book!

the McGee family said...

I remember doing all sorts of projects like this when I was a kid. So fun. I can't wait to do them with Sam (and others).